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X-Treme X-Men Annual 2001

X-Treme X-Men: Savage Land: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

- reviews -

Well this month’s X-Treme was a juicy little number. The Gang, yet again, gets distracted due to events involving different members of the team and an old friend of Tessa’s makes a surprise appearance. Oh and not too mention more hard bodies on parade here than in Baywatch! To the victor go the spoils!

This issue was basically 3 different stories interwoven, and we get to meet 2 more new characters as the X-Men try to figure out who/what is behind the Warbeck murder Gambit is being framed for.

The first story involves Sage. She is going over the data and clues when suddenly things begin to change. What is really great about the Sage stuff is we are able to see how subtle things change on her, while she has yet to catch on. She starts slipping and saying a few things like “this wine is excellent” when she is drinking water. She doesn’t realize her clothes have changed to her Hellfire outfit or that the layout of the scenery is different. She gets some feelings that things are not as they should be, but then goes back into being fooled. Great stuff.

Meanwhile in the second story, Thunderbird and Storm head to the beach to check on the Viceroy’s heirs, they are Davis Cameron a surfer and Heather Cameron a lifeguard. Both live pretty mellow and idyllic lives at Surfer’s Paradise. Thunderbird uses a pretty sad line to get Heather to notice him, but with a body like his, how could she refuse? ;-) I would like to take this opportunity to mention that this particular issue of X-Treme contains hardbodies on parade! Everyone (except Bishop) shows off skin, and lots of it! The X-Treme X-Men are also extremely fit!

These scenes with the Camerons and Storm & Thunderbird were actually pretty fun. It was a great contrast to the Superhero stuff to see them hangin' and being normal. Plus, unlike UXM #386, Salva does a great job with the night club, making it look trendy and hip and very adult.

Now to the third story and even more bare flesh as Rogue and Remy are being tortured in matching underwear! The evil Examiner, has applied acupuncture needles that work evil in stead of good. Not to mention what a sick sow the old man is as he tortures Rogue by orgasmic means! That’s messed up! Nice to see Rogue using her brains to get them out and even afterward.

The ending has two very exciting cliffhangers that are sure to keep fans on the edge of their seat!

Next Up: Getting Even!

This was a fun issue. Lots of things happen and lots of action. It’s definitely the high action, romance adventure CC promised. Great Sage stuff and nice to see her get the spotlight. The art was just brilliant! This issue was wall to wall filled with eye-candy. And my goodness, was this thing uninked? It looked just gorgeous and tight. Each issue these guys perfect this technique and here it is mastered. No fog problems this issue, thats for sure. Pick this one up for the artwork alone!

-- junkeeb

X-Treme X-Men #6: Paradise Lost

Claremont, Larocca, Liquid!

Quick Rating: 4.0 - highly recommended

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