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X-Treme X-Men Annual 2001

X-Treme X-Men: Savage Land: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

- reviews -

Well this was another exciting installment from CC and Salva! First rate storytelling and art make this issue one terrific read. On with the show! The story really takes a unique turn as the search for Destiny's Diaries progresses! Not only do we see the team deciphering the importance of some of the notations we also see how the events happening in New X-Men reflect on the X-Treme team. All the interwoven storylines and dropping of future clues make for a great read. Fans will definitely be talking about some of the passages and what they mean.

Meanwhile, Gambit is wanted for murder! The team is hot on the trail to find out what happened and what part Gambit really played. We also meet a new character Red Lotus!

Claremont does a really great job of setting the pace this issue. He uses some really interesting techniques to present the story. There is no heavy-handed exposition here. Well, there is, but using the virtual reality technology of the team and deciphering the books is how we find out what is going on. We kinda go behind the scenes to see how the team or rather Sage, gather information and reseach the possiblities. This was actually quite intriguing as well as fun to read! All this plus the Gambit story and new tensions among the teammates build to an action packed conclusion with a monster cliff-hanger!

The art this issue was truly first rate! Liquid and Salva do an incredible job here. The panels are surprisingly crisp and defined. The scenes in the crowded bar are simply gorgeous as well as the night-time flight above The Sydney Opera House. Just beautiful!

Next Up: Paradise Lost!

-- junkeeb


X-Treme X-Men #5: Deadline

Claremont, Larocca, Liquid!

Quick Rating: 4.0 - Highly Recommended

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