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September 25, 2002:

Added a new story arc by Karen Bruce:

"Ex Tenebris, Luc!"

  • Confiteor: Seeing his grandchild, Jean-Luc is prompted to confess a sin that might be unforgivable.
  • The Cherry Coke Incident: When Luc steals some cookies from Ororo, Remy is disappointed of and afraid for his child.
  • Saturday Morning in Salem Center: Luc LeBeau has a secret that he fears will cost him his father's love.
  • The Cabbage Patch: Luc decides to take action about his undoubtedly evil baby sister.
  • The Sphinx's Question: Rogue asks Gambit the unanswerable question - "am I fat?"
  • Gotta Learn 'Em All: In order to have a sensible conversation with his son, Gambit tries to learn all 251 Pokemon!
  • Home Nursing: When Remy gets the cold from hell, who is going to look after him?

Also, Lizzy wanted me to tell everyone who has submitted a story that she apologizes for not getting the stories up sooner as she was delayed by schoolwork. Also check below for a brief Submissions Guideline. A more detailed description is soon to follow!

One last bit, I have updated all the title and author searches. YAY!

Happy Reading!


Submissions Information:

If you have a fanfic you would like to submit send it to Lizzy, the LM's FanFic Archivist. All submissions must be stories with Gambit & Rogue as a Couple and as the main characters.

Please try to keep the rating down as this is a PG site. If you do have a really good fanfic that maybe a little adult, send it along and Lizzy will go over it with you. Make sure to proof read your stories to check for spelling and grammatical errors before you send them in. We reserve the right to refuse any submission. Lizzy will respond via e-mail after reading all submissions to let you know if your fic made it in and why.

Disclaimer: Rogue, Gambit and the X-Men are the property of Marvel Comics. All fanfiction is the property of the authors and are used with permission. If you wish to link any of the stories found here, you must have the permission of the author and not the Love Machine.


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